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On comprar-les?

Where to buy them?

Amisol will have a stall at the artisan fair which will be located in the town's promenade “Passeig Sant Antoni Maria Claret” on the 5th and 6th April.


There you’ll be able to find your AMISOLES as well as other great products in felt hand made by the users of the service of Ocupational Therapy of the charity Amisol.

We hope to see you there!


Amisol tindrà una parada a la fira d’artesans que estarà situada al passeig Sant Antoni Maria Claret durant els dies 4,5 i 6 d'Abril.


Allà podreu adquirir les vostres AMISOLES i molts d’altres productes de feltre fets a mà, realitzats pels usuaris del Servei de Teràpia Ocupacional de l’ Associació Amisol.


Us hi esperem!

At the Artisans Fair...
A la Fira d'Artesans...

Some other places in town where you can buy your AMISOLES are:


In the following points of sale...

Alguns comerços on podràs trobar les teves AMISOLES son:

A d'altres punts de venda...

Podeu fer les vostres comandes trucant a AMISOL al 973 48 23 04 de 9:00 del matí a 18:00 de la tarda.

You can place your orders calling directly the charity Amisol on the +34 973 48 23 04 from 9:00 in the morning to 18:00 in the afternoon.

Or placing your orders!
O fent les vostres comandes!
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